Pick one of available national teams and prepare for the 2010 world cup by shooting some balls at the goal.
Take free kicks and collect stars as you try to score goals. Set your shot's direction, angle, height and power before you take the shot. The game is a bit annoying sometimes si...
To get you in the mood for the 2018 football world cup, we present you this arcade knock-out competition game.
Score goals by timing your throw-ins just right. Get the ball back in to play and throw it just in the feet of your attacking team mate.
David Beckham is injured, but that doesn't stop him at all. Even on crutches, he can score with the best of them. Play as England Beckham or AC Milan Beckham and see how many yo...
Play this retro Italian league soccer game, a remake of an old school arcade footie.
Aim and surprise the goal keeper in this free kicking game. The longer you play, the crazier it gets!
Can you hit the crossbar from the halfway line in this tricky soccergame? Play for one of the top clubs, make allowances for the wind, and kick the ball perfectly!
A fun corner kick competition in which you can choose any national team on the offending and defending side.
Elastic soccer is an unique soccer game with an elastic touch. Use your players as if they were rubber bands - pass the soccer ball around your players and try to score a goal.
Emo's aren't very good at soccer, do look up if your player falls over when trying to take that deciding shot! A fun game with silly players.
A funny action game that doesn't have much to do with regular soccer. Play as Lionel Messi, Christiano Ronaldo or other famous soccer players. 81 items
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